Reasons to Love

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January days, like others, come
Along when winter's fairly young
But already old, blowing cold;
I feel weak and want to be bold
And step bravely amid the swirl
Of storms of a world that whirl
About; but fear of failing creeps
In, assailing with heavy feet.

Through your faith in me I bend
But don't break, to fend
Off maelstroms; your loving actions
Strengthen me with traction
To open storm doors and push on through;
Your belief in me makes me believe, too.

So when clouds abound
And the tempest howls to pin me down;
When the hours aren't flowing all that good,
On the job and in the 'hood;
I can still smile and relish the miles
Along our highways that pile
Up, since I'm alongside you,
Always straight with me, loyal and true.

I'm a mad-hatter, reveling in our team
Of two, fulfilling dreams;
In or out of season
You gift me with reasons,
Through the power of our fusion
To hurl blues to the skies, past confusion;
To soar beyond and above,
Swept along on your arms of love.

The wisdom and warmth you bring
Echo a lyric my spirit sings.
We dance to our own music, you bright
In your beauty, feather-light;
Surreal in moonbeams, your arms tight;
Holding me closer in the starry night
Or day-rays of noon-time sun;
Your dazzling allure twinkles from
Pools in your smiling eyes,
Blue as an immaculate summer sky,
And radiates to me, locked within
Your tender sphere, where you spin
Strong tendrils of bonds that never part
From your loving and generous heart.