Walk Your Eyes Through the Bible

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Take a long, lingering look
At the lessons of the Good Book,
It won't lead you astray;
Join this tour in faith each day;
Hold those pages to your breast;
Glean their grains of truth and rest;
Worship and repent at the feet
Of Him who cares, whose yoke is sweet.

Living out scripture helps you grow,
Cools your fevered brow, light glows;
Grace flows to flower hearts and minds.
Tap into this wisdom fund and find
The old world of pain and groans
Surrenders to joy in new spiritual zones.
You can't fail to learn from the Ancient of Days,
Who knows details of all your ways.

Steer your lifestyle on this saving course,
Navigated by eternity's awesome Source
Who wears the crown over heaven and earth
And all His creation, the universe.
A new birth occurs; life isn't as grim.
He may be disappointed at falls into sin;
A frown may appear under the crown,
Even then He'll never let you down.

He forgives with your sincere, "I'm sorry,"
And enables you to revere the glory
Shining in ancient stories tracing creation
From Genesis on to mysteries of Revelation,
Penned by a Patmos elder named John.
So brothers and sisters keep on
Turning golden pages of chapters
To shape you for the endless hereafter.

You'll be rewarded by kicking stress
Smash-mouth style as you progress
In partnership with Him and His grace.
You'll put on a happier face
Considering God's plan for Noah's ark
And utterances of saints and patriarchs;
Of slaves liberated and works of Jesus,
The Living Word whose Father He pleases.

Learn how vast multitudes were agog
At Christ's power in speaking in synagogues
And spreading good news on hillsides by the sea
That He is the truth Who sets men free.
God's grace will quietly descend,
While sharing scriptures with family and friends,
Enabling bonds of love to unfold
A blanket to warm the coldest soul.