YWAM Montana Days in the Rockies

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Above the pines and dorm rooftops
Soared the silver tower and YWAM shield;
We manned the pots and kitchen mops
While training hard for the Lord's field.

Len talked of grids and drafted rules;
We sketched some graphs of spiritual walks;
Gordy laid foundations of the school,
Jerry was there with toxic effect talks.

Then came worship study with Jeff Ling,
He made us broaden our praise word list;
We delighted in hearing that man sing
Of a baseball player; putting Christ first.

Dean told us to avoid pre-marital sex;
He also instructed on God's artillery,
Dismissing the enemy's loathsome hex
In twelve long hours of video pillory.

The Thompson Plumbline bowled us over;
He started from Adam's apple craving;
But for that bite we'd be in clover
Instead of temptation-caving.

David Graham had us shaken
Over his comeback from mental straits;
His childlike voices and impersonations
Placed his lectures among the greats.

Jean Darnall had a humble mein,
Betrayed by rolling, boisterous mirth;
She laid on hands and probed a vein
Of a spiritual nature, beyond our earth.

Dawn filled us in about the Word,
The S-B-S techniques of study;
She held forth on blessings incurred,
Clarifying what once was muddy.

Peter Iliyn had us repenting,
Marveling at his Russian father's plight;
Plodding from the Great Bear, unrelenting,
Then through the Orient, to freedom's light.

Ross Tooley was another lecture star,
Filching the "zeal" from his country's name;
Building bridges to pagans far,
Small wonder we're grateful that he came.

We also criss-crossed Montana's face:
South to view the bisons' brawn;
East to admire the Williamsons' place,
Their boat and food and lake called Swan.

Awed, we viewed Glacier and Ninepipe birds;
The old and cracked St. Ignatius bell;
We endlessly trekked the Blacktail heights
And shopped 'till we dropped in Kalispell.

So part of our journey ends mid-June;
We fly and drive east and west;
We part with a prayer all too soon,
Bidding one and all the very best.

For the rest of our days in myriad ways
We'll recall snowpeaks and lakeside bays;
The Spring that was long and wet and grey,
But somehow became the brightest of days.